On Sunday I went for a walk to Delamere Forest in Cheshire. If you’ve never been I highly recommend it, for a good walk or cycle, to explore, or watch and listen to nature.
I enjoy going for walks and being around nature, especially at weekends. It’s my “me” time after a week working hard for my clients.

As we stopped for a short while alongside one of the lakes, I suddenly heard a sound you only hear at this time of year, a sure sign that Spring is here and warm weather months will follow.
That sound was that of a distant very distinct and unmistakable cuckoo. Britain‘s only parasitic bird is back in the country. The cuckoo lays its eggs in the nests of other birds, matching their egg colour in deception. The birds that made the nest then raise the cuckoo as their own, the baby cuckoo outgrowing the surrogate’s chicks which it pushes out of the nest.
That may sound horrible, but I love the quirks of nature like that. And with those quirks comes Spring.
Spring is a time for cleaning out the rubbish of winter and starting anew. And that is the perfect time to get your workplace health and safety in order as well. Whether you use health and safety consultants like me, or use in house knowledge, basic health and safety management doesn't have to be rocket science, with a bit of mentoring and training, but it can save a life or prevent an injury or sickness absence.
However you go about it, it is important that health and safety is taken seriously. The last few years of pandemic has shown us that. And remember that we can help. Whether it be advice and support, or a short training course, have a look around our website and see what we can offer.
But however you do it, don’t forget the “me” time. Another bank holiday approaches, then a longer one in June. When looking after the safety and welfare of your workers, don’t forget about yourself. Burnout is so easy when running a business. Don’t let that happen to you.
Thats what I did on Sunday. I took the weekend off to have some recuperation time.
On my way back from Delamere Forest, I took a short detour to one of my favourite viewpoints, the war memorial on top of Frodsham Hill.

The view looks across the M56 to the Mersey, Liverpool, Lancashire and on a clear day beyond to the Lakes. To the left is the Welsh Hills, and to the far right you can glimpse Manchester and the Peak District. I always smile when I see that view. It’s the primary area covered by me and my business. The North West of England all in one image.
It’s where nearly all my clients are based, it’s where I am helping businesses keep their workforce safe. It’s a place that makes me feel happy and content. Its my home. A place that fills me with pride. A place that this Spring we can all help to make safer and healthier.