KSH Safety Services Statement:
COVID-19 Coronavirus, the Omicron B.1.1528 variant, and KSH Safety Services
Updated 11 December 2021
At KSH Safety Services, I am committed to providing my partners and customers with the best health and safety consultancy and training support possible.
Given the ever-changing situation surrounding COVID-19, I want to reassure you that throughout this current crisis, I continue to do my utmost to continue to provide the services I give to my clients in the safest way possible.
On 8 December 2021, the Prime Minister announced new measures to try and limit the spread of the new Omicron variant to allow as many as possible to get the booster jab. In order to follow the guidance of work at home if you can, client visits will be only where they are essential, and where the work cannot easily be done remotely. This means many visits will continue where work is required to help businesses keep going and stay safe, eg. Retail, manufacturing, etc. All other work will be done remotely where possible.
Any existing planned visits will continue unless I contact you, or vice versa.
During client visits, time on site may be reduced to essential working only, especially if space is at a premium, and I would want to see what precautions the client has in place upon arrival. I will wear appropriate face coverings, if required by the client, site manager, or the law, and will carry and use hand sanitiser, tissues and disinfectant wipes. I will limit contact with furniture and fixtures as much as possible, and will keep a suitable distance from all personnel. I will also provide my own pen and paper, and my own drinks and food. I reserve the right to withdraw from the premises if I feel it is unsafe for me to remain on site.
For reassurance, I generally work alone, and I am double jabbed with my booster booked for late December. In November I contracted Covid-19 and I withdrew from visiting businesses and self-isolated as per Government guidelines. I am now clear. I continue to do several lateral flow tests each week.
Demand for my services continues to be very high. I will help you as soon as I possibly can do, and apologise if there is any delay.
In this fast moving situation, any changes to service will be posted at https://www.kshsafety.com/coronavirus. I also have a large amount of useful up to date links and guidance on that page.
Please stay safe, be sensible, ensure you wash your hands regularly, wear a face covering where legally required (covering your nose and mouth) maintain a social distance from others, follow official advice, help each other, we will continue to get through this together.

Thank you.
K Heywood,
Owner and Founder,
KSH Safety Services