One of the most important part of any company brand is the logo. Many companies design a logo with hidden meanings within them. KSH Safety Services' logo is just the same.
Very few of my customers will realise that the Kicking-K and Tick logo is around thirty years older than our business. I actually designed it aged around 7 or 8 years of age, when I started writing my name with a tick through the K. I remember clearly being asked why I was doing that, to which I clearly remember replying "because I am always right".
I remembered this when looking for a design, and as a health and safety consultant, I want to say "Yes" and help people get their health and safety management right more than I ever want to say "No" - a tick rather than a cross.
In addition, I decided to keep the design with straight lines, with the tick ending in a point, because the advice I give through KSH Safety Services is straight to the point.
What is the hidden meaning in your business logo? I would love to know.