As the bongs of Big Ben struck midnight and we entered the year 2020 six months ago, everyone was looking forward to a new year with renewed vigour and excitement. Holidays were planned. Big events were being organised, including the Olympics, Eurovision, Chelsea Flower Show, Glastonbury Festival, the European Championships, VE Day celebrations, and the London Marathon.
Within days, news of a deadly new virus spreading from China started surfacing.
Within weeks, all these big events and holidays were being postponed or cancelled, and replaced with virtual events, we were all told to stay at home, and the world fell silent.
Within months, we were beginning to suffer, mentally and physically.
As we entered the new year, our 2020 vision of what lay ahead was, to say the least, off-course. Our social media advert for the new year hinted at that 2020 vision, saying that you may need our help this year.

To date, over 350 businesses have needed our help in 2020, whether is be a simple question over the phone, clarification on a piece of government guidance, help with home worker assessments, help re-opening after lockdown, or something by way of more standard health and safety support. We are extremely proud of what we have achieved so far.
As the fireworks of the new year lit up the skies, many of us set new years' resolutions, that, if you managed to keep beyond the first few days, were to become even more difficult to keep. In fact, if you did manage to keep them, very well done. We applaud you.
For the many that didn't, this is your chance to try again.
This week is the half way point in the year. The nation is slowly and tentatively reopening. Set yourself a target for the rest of the year. A half year resolution. Make it realistic, legal and safe, not too hard that if things do not work out it is easily forgotten. Give yourself something to aim for, something to achieve. Something to remember 2020 for that is positive. Go on you can do it.
Whatever you choose, good luck.
2020 need not be written off completely.