Happy New Year. We wish you all a peaceful and above all safe 2020.
A new year, a new decade. And the start of KSH Safety Services' year long campaign on the four seasons and it's impact on health and safety management.

Via blog posts (kshsafety.com/four-seasons), social media (search for the hashtag #4seasonsHS on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn), and various events and presentations throughout the next 366 days, we aim to bring you advice, tips and support relevant to the current season.
Just some of the information the campaign will cover include (nowhere near exhaustive):
safe winter driving
the dangers of carbon monoxide
cold weather working
slips and trips on car parks and paths
managing sickness absence
home working
outdoor safety in winter
fire safety, and
towards the end of the year, Christmas safety
Easter safety
spring cleaning
alcohol safety
outdoor safety in Spring
longer days and shorter nights
The dangers of horseplay
Barbecue safety
Gardening safely
staying safe in hot weather
surviving lightning
Festival safety
Summer driving
Holiday safety
Summer closedowns and maintenance
The Olympics and Paralympics
back to work
Depression and anxiety
Merseyside Business Expo
Darker days, longer nights
Halloween safety
Fireworks and bonfire safety
fire safety
So check back here regularly, pick up our leaflets, and sign up for our newsletter.
Welcome to the Twenty-twenties. Welcome to the Four Seasons of Health and Safety.