"Citius, altius, fortius" - or "Faster, Higher, Stronger" - is the motto Baron Pierre de Coubertin gave to the modern Olympic Games. Today, the Tokyo Summer Olympics should have been in full flow, but due to a worldwide pandemic, it is delayed by a year. Today also marks two years until the Birmingham Commonwealth Games starts.

Sport may be limited at the moment, but there is no reason why us, as individuals, cannot strive to run or cycle faster, to jump higher, or become mentally or physically stronger. In fact it will do us good.
Many of us have had little or no exercise over recent months, due to lockdown. Many of us have resorted to comfort eating unhealthy foods or drinking more alcohol as a means of coping with the stresses coronavirus has placed upon us.

This is the time to do something about it. Some gyms and swimming pools have reopened. We can now go for long walks, cycle rides and runs. And the Government this week has introduced some measures to help us.

A new anti-obesity strategy has been launched. The annual health survey for England suggests that 63% of over 16s are overweight or obese. This is leading to more health concerns such as heart disease and diabetes, and puts you at higher risk of complications with COVID-19.
And today the Government is launching a voucher scheme putting £50 towards the cost of repairing damaged bicycles - something I will be taking advantage of.

But for all that the Government does to help, it is down to us, as individuals, to start taking our own health seriously.
As a nation - indeed a planet - we have had a major shock this year with the impact of a virus on our lives and our health. If nothing else, it has shown how fragile our own existence is. We need to improve our mental and physical health. Eating healthily and exercising does both.

So eat that fruit, avoid those fizzy drinks, reduce that alcohol intake, get on that bike, put on those running shoes.
Let's make our nation healthier.
Just 3 1/2 days left and 64 miles done, I am still just over £70 short of my target raising money for the Samaritans in their #Samarathon fundraising. Please help me help them and sponsor me now at https://samarathon2020.everydayhero.com/uk/kevin-3