The information in this post has been superceded and has only been kept on the site for historical value.

The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has announced plans for a month long autumn lockdown for the whole of England to start at 00.01 hrs Thursday 5 November, lasting until 2 December. Measures announced include:
Pubs, cafes and restaurants to close except takeaways and deliveries.
If you can work from home, you must do so where possible. Manufacturing and construction are encouraged to stay open.
No mixing in households / bubbles except for care and childcare.
People can meet one person only from outside their household outside only.
Stay at home except for for education; for work, if you cannot work from home; for exercise and recreation outdoors; for medical reasons; to shop for food and essentials; to care for others; to volunteer, for personal safety.
Schools, universities, colleges and courts to stay open.
Non-essential shops, leisure and entertainment to close. Supermarkets to stay open in full.
International travel banned except for work. Travel around the country banned except for work. Overnight stays in hotels banned except for work.
Private prayer in places of worship allowed but no services.
Furlough extended until December at 80%.
Use the NHS as usual unless advised otherwise.
New quick turnaround tests to be introduced in whole communities in the next few days aided by the army.
Those who are clinically vulnerable should not go into the workplace.
The current three tier system will return after 2 December, based on the local situation at the time.

With England heading into a second lockdown, the impact this will have on businesses across the nation will be immense. As with the first lockdown, KSH Safety Services will continue to help and support its clients and others as best as it can throughout.
At KSH Safety Services, I am committed to providing my partners and customers with the best health and safety consultancy and training support possible.
Given the ever-changing situation surrounding COVID-19, I want to reassure you that I will continue to do my utmost to continue to provide the services I give to my clients in the safest way possible. In this fast moving situation, any changes to service will be posted at I also have a large amount of useful up to date links and guidance on that page. Please stay safe, be sensible, ensure you wash your hands regularly, wear a face covering where legally required (covering your nose and mouth) maintain a social distance from others, follow official advice, help each other, we will continue to get through this together. If you are staying safe at home, even on Furlough, you can still train. Take advantage of our e-learning courses, and use code 10KSHOFFER at checkout for 10% off any course. Visit for details.